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April 21, 2022


Posted In: Pain

Over a hundred years of chiropractic observations have demonstrated to many patients that spinal care improves immune function. The exact mechanism of how the spine and the nervous system affect the immune system is one of the hottest areas of scientific inquiry. This new field is called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Keeping your spine healthy under chiropractic care is one of the best ways of keeping your immune system functioning at its optimum level so you may remain healthy and whole.

Chiropractic… Bringing out the best in you.

Your Immune System Works Around The Clock To Keep You 100%, Unadulterated You!

It patrols your every nook and cranny—attacking and destroying useless and dangerous things inside you: bacteria, viruses, splinters, dirt dead cells, even cancer cells.

It seems reasonable to suppose that the body is fighting cancer all the time and winning early cancers are probably being detected and combated in the body on a regular basis. If you take this process and step it up in intensity, you have the ‘miracle’ of spontaneous remission.

Do You Have Defenses?

You have many weapons to protect you: your skin and mucous membranes create a physical barrier to invasion; your digestive juices dissolve germs; urine cleans your urinary tract, and skin secretions kill many germs when you’re alive—that’s why cadavers turn ugly colors. Fever ‘burn off’ microorganisms; swelling helps wash the system; special cells attack and devour intruders; macrophages, T-cells, killer cells, lymphocytes, antibodies and others, each with its own specialized manner of taking care of bad guys. You also have an internal defense industry that produces your armaments; your bone marrow, spleen, thymus tonsils, adenoids, appendix and lymph nodes give you lots of high-quality weapon systems.

What Are Immune Diseases?

But what’s powerful for good can be potent for bad. An unhealthy immune system can overreact as in allergic or hypersensitivity reactions; can underreact as in immune deficiency disorders; or can attack the very body it was meant to serve as in autoimmune disorders.

Do Emotions Affect Your Health?

A depressed person has a depressed immune system, a happy person a healthier one. Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. has noted that unexpressed feelings depress immune response. In fact, in 1982, two Harvard psychologists, David McClelland and Carol Kirshnit, found that simply watching movies about love increases the level of immunoglobulin-A, a defense against colds and other viral diseases. Another approach is—get a pet!

To boost your immune system, get a pet. Whatever the animal—dog, cat, fish or bird—turning your attention outward will help. Just watching a tank of tropical fish or stroking a cat is therapeutic.

Can Chiropractic Help Your Immune System?

Doctors of chiropractic analyze your spine to locate vertebral subluxations, a serious condition that causes spinal distortions and interferes with your nervous system function. Over a hundred years of chiropractic and osteopathic observations have demonstrated to many patients that spinal care improves immune function. The exact mechanism of how the spine and the nervous system affect the immune system is one of the hottest areas of scientific inquiry. This new field is called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Keeping your spine healthy under chiropractic care is one of the best ways of keeping your immune system functioning at its optimum level so you may remain healthy and whole.

Spinal health is important for proper internal organ function.


No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine. Spinal health can be as important for your overall healing as proper nutrition. Are you and your family carrying the vertebral subluxation complex in your spines? Only a chiropractic spinal checkup can tell.

Among the many things contributing to your health: the quality of the air, food, and water you take in; how you handle emotional stress; your inherited weaknesses and strengths; your use of drugs; exercise; and relaxation—a healthy spine is absolutely essential. In some people, it is a major factor and can make the difference between a life of health, strength, and vitality or a life of disease, weakness, and disability. To learn more, contact our Edina chiropractor today.