Most ailments and discomforts come from the body not working properly. It may not be able to prevent pain due to misalignment. That’s why people in Eden Prairie, MN, use a chiropractor. When your body is aligned, pain in the joints, bones, connective tissue, muscles, and cartilage is relieved or prevented. Chiropractors can help people who need realignment with hands-on manipulation that allows the body to heal and prevent further pain.
Drugs mask pain. They don’t cure it. The American College of Physicians even recommends using non-medication treatment first before taking pain medication. Chiropractic care is one of those recommendations. Studies show that spinal manipulation helps. One study showed that chiropractic care helped neck pain as effectively as pain relievers. It modifies levels of neuropeptides—proteins the nervous system makes that operate as transmitters or hormones—to bring pain relief.
If you have a misalignment in the back or neck, it causes tension in the muscles. That tension can cause headaches. Both headaches and their more severe relative, migraines, can be helped with chiropractic care. Spinal adjustments can help relieve the muscle tension and other problems caused by misalignment. You’ll feel better as your posture improves from the spinal manipulations. It aligns the spine and loosens muscles that add to poor posture. It helps strengthen core muscles necessary for correct posture and the elimination of pain.
Chronic pain sufferers experience it day and night, and that constant pain combined with lack of sleep exacerbates the pain even further. The gentle manipulation can interrupt that chronic pain signal and help reset the body. Repetitive stress pain, such as carpal tunnel, can be addressed using techniques and investigating ways to improve ergonomics. During pregnancy, providing support to aid the spine can help relieve pain and boost the feeling of well-being in the mother-to-be.
For more information, contact Zen Chiropractic!